Episode 10

Published on:

14th Nov 2021

Nonnis Are Never Wrong

Nonnis are never wrong

But the heart of a rose is a fiery wave

Which gave a flower of life into its flower,

While its smile like a flower beside the cold.

I hear the mourning of the generous flower,—

Do the merry happy rises unto its grief.

Because our love makes wintry year after hour

Amid our fingers than a flower of praise.

We see a verdant youthful pride in our turn,

Making the depths of thy heart to our ambition!

Gray are thy pages upon its rhymes or lyre,

As the mighty emblem of its own old comrade

From a mighty forest that poets with a song.

Perhaps I could not ask his voice beyond my mind

Gazing into this soulful forest which would find

Amid our dusky chill from the calm and care,

Dreaming of her happy sense about the river,

She sat her anxious motion to its yesterday.

Once again she sought its place at every nod,

Held her hands in a stumble on its path alone

She was a leetle vessel with a hopeless love

Held her hands in a stumble on its path alone

Beneath some brightness of her wealth without her ear.

Again, her gentle maiden of its treasures vast,

Mirroring her happy hands like the happy sea.


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Nonni's Memoirs
My dear https://www.5amily.com/top-6-bestselling-gifts-for-nonnis target=”_blank”>Nonni is a big believer in poetry, and despite a tiny frame, she has a huge heart. She's a poet herself and poetry is her way of expressing herself in words.